decoding Human Design since 2018

hi, my name is Ilona Barnhart and I’ve helped hundreds of people connect to who they came here to be using the Human Design system. My biggest flex is translating your complex chart into insights and tips that will actually move the needle forward in your life. Especially when it pertains to career, purpose, parenting and your over-all wellness.









myHumanDesign recommended reader

APP contributor

Heimat Fitness Club

‘Working Out for your Energy Type’ Speaking Event in Los Angeles, CA

Almost30 Podcast

mini readings in Malibu, CA

virtual Human Design Workshop for Podcast Members

Magazine Interviews

allure magazine – A Beginner’s Guide to Human Design

SELF magazine


check out what some of you are saying

“I learned so much about myself in such a short amount of time”

My Human Design experience with Ilona was beautiful. The way she communicates so intuitively makes it resonate that much more. Finding out I’m a Generator made so much sense, but I learned so much about myself in such a short amount of time. I recorded the meeting to reflect on as much as I wanted, and I do often. I highly recommend doing that since there’s so much being said, it’s easy to forget important aspects and details of the conversation. Anyone wanting to dig deeper and learn more about themselves on a whole other, unique level should definitely set up a session with this amazing woman.

Solana Beach, CA

“You will feel so confident about your next steps”

Ilona Barnhart stole my heart! When I first met her and took her yoga classes, I was immediately drawn to her calm and grounding presence, and bonus, her classes were amazing! As I started to learn about human design, it was a casual conversation around the “water cooler” with all the gals but it was Ilona’s in-depth knowledge that she would share which really perked my ears. As she continued to study and share her POV, her intuition and knowledge, I knew I had to get a reading from her. Especially because HD isn’t the easiest to navigate (at least for me!) having my chart read by Ilona was eye opening, reassuring and she helped explain why I felt certain ways with certain situations. With her explanation it also gave me an idea of what to expect when I manifest, how to do it, the timing and what I can do to feel more empowered by pointing out my strengths (and opportunities!) I could go on but really, I just loved my time with Ilona and would highly recommend anyone who is curious about human design to sit down with her. You will feel so confident about your next steps & path after a conversation with her!

Encinitas, CA

“I felt so seen, and so perfectly described”

I recently had my Human Design chart read by Ilona and I was truly amazed. I felt so seen, and so perfectly described. She did an amazing job at translating the meaning behind all of the overwhelming aspects of my chart (well…overwhelming to me as a total HD newbie, hah). I am now so intrigued by the Human Design system, and I plan to look into the charts of my children, to help guide me as their mother, in upholding their authenticity. It is clear to me that Ilona’s understanding of HD goes beyond just being well learned, she also understand it intuitively in a way that allows her to bring all of the separate aspects of a chart into a beautiful cohesive reading. If you’re at all interested in HD I definitely recommend working with Ilona!

Listowel, Canada

“our session confirmed so much for me”

Ilona, you were such a huge part of (my) transformation – our session confirmed so much for me. Thank you!!


“Uncovered things about me that horoscopes/astrology had not”

Since I can remember, I have always empathized with what other people in my life were going through; to a very strong and very intense degree. I thought this was normal, something everyone felt. Upon getting my reading wfrom Ilona, everything became clearer. Like a camera lens focusing on this big, beautful picture. I am a Reflector. Growing up, I loved reading horoscopes, getting to know more about my astrology, and waiting to see what the stars had in store for me. I am a total number and word nerd. My human design reading uncovered things about me that horoscopes/astrology had not. It also opened up a whole world to me and a sense of perspective I did not have before. I think a HDR from Ilona was a wonderful way to get to know myself in depth, and better understand how I tick, why I do what I do , and how it impacts everyone around me.

Oceanside, CA

“Felt like she was reading an unwritten book about me!”

Ilona opened me up to a whole new way of being my authentic self! Finding out that I’m a Generator brought me great relief in understanding my “always working on something” tendencies and always wanting to create more, more especially when I feel inspired and often becoming burnt out from taking on too much! When she said my Strategy is to wait to respond…I was shocked because I’ve seen the most success in my life when I’ve waited to respond to opportunities versus trying to make them happen. As she read my chart I just felt like she was reading an unwritten book about me! The most interesting to me has been understanding where I am most susceptible to conditioning and beginning to unravel it all so I can feel more satisfied and less frustrated. I’m excited to keep going deeper down the rabbit hole.

Chicago, IL