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A word on affirmations

Hello bookworms!

Muladhara affirmations from p.53.  Feel free to print them out and place them somewhere you will see them on a regular basis, like the bathroom mirror.  Best practice is to see/read/say them out loud in the morning.  You can always create your own or simply write out the one that stands out to you most.

What the heck is so special about affirmations anyway? Not sure or simply new to the idea?  Did you know there is actual research behind the positive effects of practicing affirmations consistently? (If your into it let me know and I will share the research link with you.)

Watch my attempt at explaining affirmations and their significance.  Press play!


(I film most of these on my own hence the soft focus, but I think I figured out how to prevent that next time.  Also, I have a microphone now! Which means little to no background noise, super excited and definitely coming along).

Over to you! What is your experience with affirmations?  If this is your first time hearing about them are you intrigued?  Will you give them a try?  If not, why not?

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