Upward Facing Dog || Urdvha Mukha Svanasana Urdvha || upward Mukha || facing Svana || dog Primary Purpose of Up Dog || Strengthens the entire back body, shoulder girdle and core. It’s also a spinal extension and decompression. Benefits of Up Dog Strengthens legs (hamstrings) buttocks (gluteus maximus) back (erector spinae) arms (triceps) Stretches chest (pectoralis) abdomen (rectus abdominus)…
POSE BY POSE The pose by pose yoga series is all about yoga fundamentals. In this series I will break down different yoga postures, one at a time. I will go over common misalignments that if practiced over time could lead to serious injury. I will also demonstrate the pose and guide you into it…
ARISE Enlightening Blend Arise is an enlightening blend of essential oils from doTERRA’s YOGA COLLECTION that promotes feelings of happiness, clarity, and courage. It’s like a breath of fresh air with a hint of citrus that lifts your mood. Go ahead open it up, fill your nostrils with it’s delightful aromas and press play. Lift your…
RESTORATIVE YOGA Drop deep into your muscles and release tension in your body and in your mind. A restorative yoga sequence is great after a long day, week, or to get yourself ready for a good night sleep. Get comfy as you find ease with this restore practice. I enjoy this sequence especially during the…
Kapalbhati pranayama Kapalbhati Pranayama is an intermediate/advanced breathing practice that consists of short, powerful exhales and passive inhale created by contracting the abdominal muscles. When you are beginning, don’t focus so much on counting, rather give the practice a try and go as long and as slow or fast as suits you. Let me know…