ALIGN CENTERING BLEND Align is a centering blend from doTERRA’s YOGA COLLECTION that promotes feelings of self-acceptance, trust, and fluidity. Grow stronger as you move from one posture to the next in your body as well as in your mind. This specific combination of oils also encourages harmony and calm progress within yourself. You will…
Anchor Steadying Blend doTERRA’s Anchor Steadying Blend (an essential oil from the Yoga Collection) is the inspiration behind this grounding/yin practice. Anchor promotes feelings of completeness, calmness, and courage. Perfect for when you embark on a new adventure, wether that’s across oceans or on your mat in your living room. It also encourages a steady…
Intention Setting Guide Set an intention for your yoga practice, a project, a goal, your day, week, month, or even the year. Setting an intention, also known as Sankalpa, is an incredibly supportive and empowering ritual to weave into your life. I invite you to let me be your guide. Connect to your multidimensional self,…
Follow Your Bliss :: With Less Hustle & More Flow in 2018 Last year my mantra was to follow my bliss. Well it rocked my world so I decided to keep it around, I’ll be adding to it though. So this years mantra reads ‘To follow my bliss with less hustle and more flow’. How…
Three Ways Yoga Assists In The Detoxification Process First Thing First – A Clarification Contrary to what you may have heard, yoga DOES NOT actually detox the body. It does however, aid the body in its detoxification process. The three main components that help guide the sludge and toxicity out of the body are: DEEP…
Chandra Namaskar || Moon Salutations Chandra Namaskar or Moon Salutations are much more cooling than Sun Salutes offering a more soothing, introspective and receptive practice. Tap into and harness the moons magical powers by practicing this sequence during a full moon. Here’s the play by play in case you wish to practice at your own…
YOGA DANCE PARTY Featuring Sofi Tukker – Drinkee A perfect light and fun warm up to begin your day or practice. I invite you to turn up the music, shake your booty like no one is watching, and perhaps invent a new groovy move!
YOGA FOR DETOX This is a great class for when you feel restless in your mind and if you feel like you ate a bit more than usual, which can easily happen in the holiday season! Contrary to popular belief yoga does not actually detox the body. Certain poses (asana) and practices, such as breath…
RESTORATIVE YOGA Drop deep into your muscles and release tension in your body and in your mind. A restorative yoga sequence is great after a long day, week, or to get yourself ready for a good night sleep. Get comfy as you find ease with this restore practice. I enjoy this sequence especially during the…
My Dreadlock Story Why I cut my 8.5 year old dreadlocks & life without them. Over a year and a half ago I shocked family and friends by cutting my eight and a half year old dreadlocks off. They were long and beautiful. I still have them tucked away in a shelf (I plan to…