Magic Lessons October – December Game Changer is all about Big Magic’s impact on my life and my creative process. What tools do you use in your creative endeavors? What is your creative process? If you don’t know what will you do to find out?? Reach out if you would like to join the club…
Want to learn how to flip your legs above your head? Always wanted to try inversions but are too intimidated and don’t know where to start? Then this flow is perfect for you. After warming up the shoulder griddle I lead an inversion flow including ample variations, encouraging you to honor where you are at.…
Expansion Meditation is great for those days when you feel like the world is caving in on you or when you feel lost and disconnected. I found it extremely helpful when I need to make a decision too. By focusing on the grandeur of existence it clears my mind and directs my heart. Hope you…
Vinyasa Yoga Flow A twenty minute breath to movement sequence that will get your heart rate up and you all sweaty! I offer several options as we move through our flows, feel free to choose the one that suites you the most today. Focusing on lengthening through the hamstrings and creating space in the upper…
Tell me, what is it that you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? – Mary Oliver LOVE EVERY MOMENT Love Every Moment is a two hour yoga experience guided by Ilona Barnhart. Do you relish the human experience? How do you define happiness? What do you want more of? What do…
Hi Yogis! This 20 minute Balance Yoga Flow includes Tree, Crane, Warrior Three variations, and Eagle pose. We begin by connecting to the body using the breath, followed by warming up the muscles, which has a grounding effect, in preparation for the balance portion of practice. Enjoy this balance flow with me. Have fun with…
Gajumaru by Yaima I was inspired to create a music video for this song the moment I heard it. The more I jammed out to it and learned the lyrics the more it resinated with my spirit. It describes my current moment perfectly. It has become my battle cry, my prayer, my meditation. Thank you Yaima…
The Extraordinary Book Club New to the bunch? Well, welcome! We are a small group with lots of love and growing. Individual participation is encouraged but not necessary to glean the gifts of community and conversation around growth and all sort of topics. You are free to pop in and out over and over again.…
SURYA NAMASKAR SURYA NAMASKAR || also known as Sun Salutations. The Classical Surya Namaskar consists of 12 poses done in succession for a designated period of time. When one round ends another beings in a continuous cycle. Typically with breath to movement. After an adequate warm up of the spine, sun salutations can comprise an entire…
PRATAPANA Pratapana || translates to ‘stroking the fire’ and refers to simple repetitive movements that warm up the body, in particular the spine. The purpose of pratapana is setting a solid foundation for a safe and enjoyable practice. These movements are not to be confused with yoga postures, indeed they are not yoga asanas, rather they…