Brian Barnhart Jr April 27th is a VERY special day. An incredibly talented, kind, funny, adventurous human was born 35 years ago. To celebrate 35 years around the sun I chose 35 items from around the house and garage to give you a glimpse into Brian Barnhart Jr. Enjoy! Subscribe to his channel Funny As Fek DISCOVER…
Tell me, what is it that you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? – Mary Oliver LOVE EVERY MOMENT Love Every Moment is a two hour yoga experience guided by Ilona Barnhart. Do you relish the human experience? How do you define happiness? What do you want more of? What do…
First Impressions I find myself among kindred spirits at every turn. My unkept, frizzy and wavy hair with my odd sense of style feel totally and completely at home. I have never felt this free and accepted in any place that I have had the pleasure of exploring before. No competition, no makeup, simple everyday…
Inspired by Joseph Campbell’s words ~ Follow Your Bliss is my mantra for the year, maybe even a lifetime. On this past winter solstice what began in my yoga teacher training came full circle ~ the words ‘follow your bliss’ resinated with me on such a deep level and all of a sudden things sort…