YWI at FOUR MOONS SPA Four Moons Spa is an incredible space located in Encinitas CA. I am so honored to lead yoga classes here. This place is pure magic. Intentionally filled with copper, rose quartz, other rocks and crystals as well as amazing healers. Come drink from this well and rejuvenate! I’m here every…
Intention Setting Guide Set an intention for your yoga practice, a project, a goal, your day, week, month, or even the year. Setting an intention, also known as Sankalpa, is an incredibly supportive and empowering ritual to weave into your life. I invite you to let me be your guide. Connect to your multidimensional self,…
Kapalbhati pranayama Kapalbhati Pranayama is an intermediate/advanced breathing practice that consists of short, powerful exhales and passive inhale created by contracting the abdominal muscles. When you are beginning, don’t focus so much on counting, rather give the practice a try and go as long and as slow or fast as suits you. Let me know…