Three Ways Yoga Assists In The Detoxification Process
First Thing First – A Clarification
Contrary to what you may have heard, yoga DOES NOT actually detox the body. It does however, aid the body in its detoxification process. The three main components that help guide the sludge and toxicity out of the body are:
Learn how deep breathing, yoga poses, and meditation assist in the detoxification process.
Yoga breathing, known as pranayama in the Sanskrit language, is an ancient practice. There are several different techniques, such as Dirgha Parnayama, a diaphragmatic breathing technique, also know as the three part breath. This particular breath is powerful yet very simple to learn and can be practiced just about anytime and anywhere. Read more about it here. Often times, dirgha pranayama is the first breath you will encounter in the yoga community.
Deep breathing is crucial in the detoxification process as it slows down your central nervous system allowing the parasympathetic nervous system to turn on, which is responsible for rest, digestion, and repair. Simply put, when you are relaxed your body is able to digest food efficiently. More on digestion and its role in detoxing the body soon!
Main take away: slow down while eating and take a few deep breaths throughout the day. Learn and experience the breath now by watching the video below.
Yoga Poses
Although all asanas, or yogic postures and movements, assist the body in the detoxification process, the following three are most helpful: forward folds – standing and seated, twists, and inversions.
Forward Folds
- contract the abdominals and internal organs resulting in a gentle massage. Forward folds also calm the mind.
- massage internal organs, especially the intestines, helping the sludge move through the small intestine into the large intestine much quicker. Resulting in the waste spending less time in the body.
- such as shoulder stand, I recommend beginning with supported shoulder stand, help drain accumulated lymph fluid from the legs and upper body. Inversions are great at the end of a practice as all toxins that were released are then flushed toward the heart to be oxygenated and cleansed.
- Learn and practice inversions here, beginners are welcome!
Let’s get practical! Here is a video incorporating yoga poses that aid the body in the detoxification process.
How and what we think is linked to how we feel. Rid your mind of toxic thinking with a simple and sweet meditation practice.
Meditation is the seventh limb of the eight limbs of yoga as defined in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, also referred to as dhyana. ‘The first six limbs support the practice of meditation in strengthening our outer and inner container, freeing up the body from tension, awakening the breath, moving inwards, and cultivating concentration. In the Tantric view, meditation is first and foremost done to savor the gift of embodiment, to taste the sweetness of simply being…The second reason is Vimarsha Shakti or our ability for reflection, witness, and awareness.’ – Katie Brauer and Danny Arguetty, Y6.
The practice involves but is not limited to taking time to sit with yourself and your thoughts.
Lorin Roche on Meditation
- Meditation should never require any more effort than reading your favorite book or listening to your favorite music.
- What’s stillness got to do with it? Move all you want in meditation. You only sit still in meditation to better follow the movement of life. It is a natural repose, not something forced.
- Do I have to make my mind blank? No, nor do you have to ’empty your mind.’ This is a myth. There are moments of inner quiet, but thinking is a major part of meditation. You ride thoughts like surfers ride waves. The more you accept all thoughts, the more inner repose you will get.
Willing to give meditation a try? Here’s your chance. Best part? It’s less than eight minutes long!


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