TRI || three Kona || angle ASANA || Posture
Primary Purpose of Triangle || To Strengthen the legs, elongate hamstrings and lower back, lengthens the side body
Benefits of Triangle
- legs (quadriceps, hamstrings, psoas)
- buttocks (gluteus maximus)
- back (erector spinae)
- abdomen (obliques)
- shoulders (deltoids)
- arms (triceps)
- legs (hamstring, adductors)
- buttocks (gluteus maximus, medius, minimus)
- chest (pectoralis)
- abdominal and pelvic organs
- circulation
- digestion
- constipation
- menstrual and menopausal discomfort
- stress and anxiety
- and prevents rheumatism, scoliosis, osteoporosis, sciatica
- concentration
- coordination
- endurance
Proceed With Care
- if you have uncontrolled blood pressure or heart conditions – practice without long holds, keep top arm on hip
- weak back muscles – use props to support body weight
- neck discomfort – keep head facing forward or down, not up
Avoid Posture
- if you have recent or chronic knee, hip, abdomen or shoulder injury, inflammation or pain
- if you have a headache
Common Misalignments To Look Out For
- Stance is too wide
- Hyper-extension of the front knee
- Collapsing through the waist and reaching too far towards the ground misaligning the spine
- Internal rotation of the front femur (front foot slightly pigeon toed)
- Shortening the stance and bring the back toes slightly to 45 degrees
- soften the front knee (encourage a micro bend)
- rest hand on a block to prevent collapsing through the waist
- slightly externally rotate the front femur bone and internally rotate the back femur bone
Dive into Triangle Pose With Ilona!
Explore Triangle Pose! After a short warm up I will guide you into the expression of the pose. Notice sensations in your body but focus on your breath. Notice differences from side to side. Grab a block if you have one.
How did it go?
Triangle is one of those poses that will surprise you. I love using a block with this one as it brings the ground closer which helps my chest open up towards the sky even more which allows the spine to remain neutral/straight. How did it got for you? What did you notice? Let me know!


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