THIRD QUARTER RUN Time :: 40:48 min PROP :: NONE The Third Quarter provides an opportunity to let go of bad habits. Clear the way and set yourself up for success. I’m not speaking about perfection or instant change. Just a kind, compassionate, and honest check-in with yourself. This is a no judgement zone. Just noticing.…
WANING GIBBOUS RUN Time :: 40:48 min PREP :: NONE The Waning Gibbous is the perfect time to share your knowledge and practice gratitude. The hero’s journey, that James Campbell writes about, is reaching the highest mountain top, savoring the view, and sharing it’s splendor. As well as moving through the depths of the darkest…
FULL MOON RUN Time :: 32:09 min PROP :: Block The Full Moon is a culmination, an opportunity to reflect. HOW DO YOU FEEL? Recognize all that you have accomplished and celebrate your achievements. Acknowledge all that you have learned. Honor wherever you find yourself, it is no better or worse than anyone else, it’s just…