Seventh Chakra At A Glance
Hi bookworms! Hard to believe it’s our last and final chakra together! Let’s dive in, Sahasrara the lustrous gem aka the crown chakra is about our connection to all that is, complete absorption in a moment, and celebrating individuality while recognizing our interconnectedness. The shadow side of Sadasrara is attachment. “Through pain and not getting…
Ajna Chakra Yoga Flow
Seeing Our Way Through D R I S H T I || a Sanskrit word that means gaze. “In studying the brain, scientists have found that “neurons that fire together wire together.” What you focus on and habitually associate with literally shapes the neural structure of your brain, creating habits of thinking. This, in…
Sixth Chakra at a Glance
Hi everyone! We are getting into Ajna Chakra this month, our third eye, the center of perception and command located between our eyebrows. Per usual I open up the discussion with an overview and info such as basic rights, traumas that can bring this chakra out of balance, as well as its balanced, excessive, and…